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About the Author
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My name is Leigh, and I am an indie romance author who writes mainly in the fantasy and paranormal genres. I've been a romance fanatic since the first time I snuck one of my mom's Harlequin paperbacks, and never looked back.
When I'm not writing, I spend a ton of time outdoors camping, hiking, and taking photos. I'm also big into tarot, astrology, and all things witchy, and love to share tarot readings for the collective in my monthly newsletters!
Latest Update - January 2025
As of this update, I am working on my very first alien romance! This book is one I wrote a first draft of way back in 2022 before I ever started publishing, and while it wasn't quite where I wanted it to be for publication at the time, the story and characters have stuck with me every since. I'm rewriting it from scratch, and can't wait to give these characters the second chance they deserve.
At the same time, I am working on Susie's Orc, which will be an expanded version of The Orc From Accounting. This new version will include Jonah's POV, plus stunning new cover art!
After both those books are done, I'll be diving back into my Crescent Coven series with book 3 and 4. Those books will feature Seren and Soleil, who both showed up on-page in Demon's Bane.